Thursday, July 11, 2013

Combat Dinner Time Battles

Anyone else feel like the dinner table becomes a battleground between you and your kids?  Here's some ideas that we've been using lately:

Tip #1 Mix healthier foods into foods that your child already likes… like blueberries in their pancakes or slow-cooked oats mixed with instant flavored oatmeal. 

Tip #2 Let them dip the healthy foods in something. Things like ketchup, hummus, homemade dips (and sometimes it might sound gross to you… but let them do it anyway).

Tip #3 Keep junk food OUT of the house AND have healthy food readily available. I'm surprised that my 5-year old will willingly eat grapes or carrots if they are on the table and junk food is out of sight. 

Tip #4 Don't push too hard if your child doesn't like something. Our rule--you have to try it once every time it's served. Hopefully over time they get used to whatever they've "tried" a few times and start to eat it. But pushing, especially for younger ones, just doesn't work for me.

Tip #5 Get rid of the "clean your plate rule." Kids need to learn portion control, but I also hate wasters. So, when they are old enough, they take their own servings and need to finish it… I let them save it though for the next time they are hungry. I'm kinda on the fence with this Tip, any thoughts out there?

Tip #6 Schedule snack time and stick to the routine. It's kinda true, right? My kids are definitely more likely to eat what's given if they are hungry… I've GOT to get better at this one!

Tip #7 Let them help you make dinner. Seriously works.. if they chop a veggie, they eat that veggie. Try it! 

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Caught! I just couldn't help myself.. had to post

Wow, I for one am outraged! How could someone "claim" to be healthy and then delibreatly buy greasy, processed, take-out. Disgusting. I mean, everyone knows that to be healthy you must completely give up all things unhealthy. Never splurge, never cheat, never eat something non green or whole! Ugh. She must be one of those 80/20 believers… ha… I laugh at them. 

And there are actually quite a few to laugh at, I mean, a lot of people believe that you are truly healthy when you eat clean 80% of the time, and they think that they will stick to their diet or "lifestyle" if they allow themselves some cheats here and there. Ridiculous. 

I'm sure she didn't workout today, she's probably given up completely on her program and eating habits. There's no way she's developed the so called "right" approach to successful eating and knows how to limit her servings when she does splurge. 

Now, I'm going to think about her as I take my lunch break and eat my salad, because that's all I eat, because I'm smarter than her.

--written by an anonymous snob