Well. The next morning my dad showed me the paper, there was my name: Amber Lindquist from Colusa takes 4th place. My parents were impressed. I smiled and left for school, letting them think (just for the morning) that I was, in fact, a runner. Of course, I knew (and my track team knew) the truth: there were ONLY four runners in that race, and I was last--DEAD last.
You see, somewhere in that race I hit that WALL. You know the one I'm taking about. The one that smacks you so hard you KNOW you can't keep going. Well, I'd like to say I trained hard and kept pushing forward, but didn't I tell you I was a junior in high school? I quit track and never looked back... that is, until 2 years ago when I found out I'd be moving to Nevada. I decided right then to re-define who I was. And dangit, I was going to be a runner! Now, I'm still slow, but this morning I ran my three miles and saved the giant hill for the end. I currently can run 3 miles two days a week. It's taken me two years. But I CAN!
Now, I've signed up for a rely Ragnar race this fall. I have 3 legs to run and they are all around 4-6 miles. Yikes! But, I'm determined! No dead last this time! What can YOU do this year? What's your goal?
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