Start in a seated position on the floor with your heels on the ground and toes facing 45 degrees toward the sky. Lean back until you feel your abdominals engage. Twist toward your right side, lean back, and touch your right elbow to the ground. Engage your abdominals, sit up, and repeat the move on the other side. This is an oblique killer and will help you create those little "fingerlike" muscles on your sides. If you want to add a little more intensity, life your legs off the ground!
Good Ole Fashion Sprinting
Sprinting is an anaerobic activity that targets almost every muscle in your body, and especially the abdominals. When you have to quickly drive your knees up while staying in an upright position, you're forced to use your core.
Fifer Scissors (from P90X of course)
Lie flat on your back with one straight leg extended so that it is perpendicular to the floor. (haha, mine clearly isn't quite perpendicular... look, I'm just not that flexible..YET) The other straight leg should hover just off the ground. Switch legs every 10 seconds and don't let either leg touch the ground.
Tuck Jumps (from Insanity)
Start with your feet shoulder-width apart. Drive your arms up into the sky and lift your knees to your elbows. Like with sprinting, you'll want to be fully warmed-up before trying this exercise.
In and out plank (also from Insanity)
Start in a plank position and then bring both legs at the same time into your core. Then, extend back into the plank.
Hip Up (from Body Beast)
Lie flat on your back with your feet flexed toward the sky and your hands at your sides. Engage your stomach, lift your hips up, and drive your feet straight up. Lower your hips back down to the ground in a slow, controlled motion. This exercise is great for you lower back!
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