Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Michi's Ladder

Honestly, I just try to eat a lot of whole foods. This is great guide to know which foods are the best foods.
Michi’s Ladder is not a diet. It’s a simple substitution plan. To lose weight, try swapping the foods you eat for similar foods in tiers 1 and 2. The more you eat in tiers 1 and 2, the more you’ll increase your chances of losing weight.
There are some healthy foods in lower tiers, but they’re either calorie dense or nutrient deficient. To lose weight, you want to maximize the nutrients in every calorie you consume.
Shakeology is a Tier 1 food!

p90x michis ladder
beachbody michis ladder

Michi's Ladder
P90X diet
P90X Nutrition Plan
Michi's Ladder

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