Tuesday, March 19, 2013

ShakeO Cleanse Day Three

Well... well... well... I totally made it through today!! I have stayed clean on this cleanse... maybe the first time ever!  This morning I was down a total of 4 pounds.  We will see how I look on the scale tomorrow.  Don't worry, I'll let you know next week if I kept it off!

Today's Menu:

1 ShakeO Chocolate
1 mandarin orange
1 ShakeO Tropical Strawberry
1/2 mango
grilled halibut with steamed green beans and side salad
1 ShakeO Chocolate

BTW: If you add a little seasoning and a little olive oil to a halibut steak, wrap it in tinfoil, and throw it one the BBQ grill you will have one moist, delicious fish.  Seriously, TRY IT.

And, for salad dressing I mix a little olive oil with a bit of balsamic vinegar.  YUM.

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