Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Back to School For Parents!

It was SO fun seeing all the "First Day of School" posts online, there is nothing that beats the excitement for the new year, classes, teachers, and friends.

Of course, now that the kids are back in school, maybe it's time YOU enroll in an online course or two.  Let me tell you about a few groups starting in September!

1. Clean Eating 101. TEN full days of nutrition HELP. 

2. 60 Day BeachBody Challenge. It is TIME to dust off your tennis shoes and commit to YOU in a group that is challenging, fun, and PROVEN to get you from where you are NOW to where you WANT to be, and all done through "Home"-Work. 

Message me if you'd like details. And have a happy new school year!!

Thursday, July 11, 2013

Combat Dinner Time Battles

Anyone else feel like the dinner table becomes a battleground between you and your kids?  Here's some ideas that we've been using lately:

Tip #1 Mix healthier foods into foods that your child already likes… like blueberries in their pancakes or slow-cooked oats mixed with instant flavored oatmeal. 

Tip #2 Let them dip the healthy foods in something. Things like ketchup, hummus, homemade dips (and sometimes it might sound gross to you… but let them do it anyway).

Tip #3 Keep junk food OUT of the house AND have healthy food readily available. I'm surprised that my 5-year old will willingly eat grapes or carrots if they are on the table and junk food is out of sight. 

Tip #4 Don't push too hard if your child doesn't like something. Our rule--you have to try it once every time it's served. Hopefully over time they get used to whatever they've "tried" a few times and start to eat it. But pushing, especially for younger ones, just doesn't work for me.

Tip #5 Get rid of the "clean your plate rule." Kids need to learn portion control, but I also hate wasters. So, when they are old enough, they take their own servings and need to finish it… I let them save it though for the next time they are hungry. I'm kinda on the fence with this Tip, any thoughts out there?

Tip #6 Schedule snack time and stick to the routine. It's kinda true, right? My kids are definitely more likely to eat what's given if they are hungry… I've GOT to get better at this one!

Tip #7 Let them help you make dinner. Seriously works.. if they chop a veggie, they eat that veggie. Try it! 

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Caught! I just couldn't help myself.. had to post

Wow, I for one am outraged! How could someone "claim" to be healthy and then delibreatly buy greasy, processed, take-out. Disgusting. I mean, everyone knows that to be healthy you must completely give up all things unhealthy. Never splurge, never cheat, never eat something non green or whole! Ugh. She must be one of those 80/20 believers… ha… I laugh at them. 

And there are actually quite a few to laugh at, I mean, a lot of people believe that you are truly healthy when you eat clean 80% of the time, and they think that they will stick to their diet or "lifestyle" if they allow themselves some cheats here and there. Ridiculous. 

I'm sure she didn't workout today, she's probably given up completely on her program and eating habits. There's no way she's developed the so called "right" approach to successful eating and knows how to limit her servings when she does splurge. 

Now, I'm going to think about her as I take my lunch break and eat my salad, because that's all I eat, because I'm smarter than her.

--written by an anonymous snob

Tuesday, June 25, 2013

5 Simple Ways to Improve Your Brain

I found this information in an article from Oprah's Thought for Today Newsletter...

A Little Movement
Even just a bit of exercise will actually grow brain cells. In fact, a study in 2011 showed that older adults who walked just 40 minutes a day three days a week reversed age-related brain cell loss by 1-2 years. Come on people! 40 minutes a day of WALKING! You got this!

Take a Deep Breath
True story: people who meditate at least 20 minutes a day show change in the amygdala, which regulates emotion... Huh, now all I need is 20 minutes of quiet!

Roll in the Hay
I'm going to let you figure this one out... and yep, it sprouts new cells and decreases anxiety.

Toss It
Literally, toss something. Apparently (and according to an Oxford study) people who practiced juggling 30 minutes a day for six weeks grew new cells in areas of the brain associated with processing visual information into movement. Some benefits might include an increase in coordination and faster reflexes.

And.. Toss the GPS
Apparently, older adults with better navigation skills have more gray matter in their hippocampi (yes, this is in your brain) and helps decrease the risk of dementia. Huh... now I'm wondering how I will get anywhere on time...

Now you know! 

Thursday, June 13, 2013

Healthy Oatmeal Chocolate Chip Cookies

1 1/2 cups rolled oats
1 cup white whole wheat flour
1/4 tsp baking soda
1/2 tsp baking powder
1 tsp cinnamon
1/4 tsp ginger
1/4 tsp clove
1/4 tsp nutmeg
1/2 tsp salt
1 egg (I used a flax egg. 1T flax meal + 3 T water)
1/4 cup light oil (I used 1/4 cup applesauce)
1/4 cup applesauce (so total of 1/2 applesauce for recipe)
2-3 T milk (I used almond milk)
1 tsp vanilla extract
1/4 cup maple syrup
1 T molasses (optional)
1/3 cup carob chips, non dairy chips or even sub for raisins
Heat oven to 350. Mix dry ingredients, then wet ingredients. Stir together and fold in chocolate chips. I added pecans to mine and really liked the added crunch/flavor. Enjoy!! 

Wednesday, May 29, 2013

The Three B's for Healthy Family Living

* Be a role model for your child.  Living a healthier lifestyle really isn't about being perfect all the time. Just do you best and let your kids see that you are doing your best.  And guess what? It's even okay if they see you fail occasionally, as long as you get back on track! That's a real role model!

* Be positive, be positive, be positive. Kids don't like being told what they CAN'T do (shocker!). I don't either! Instead, focus on what they CAN DO and what they are doing well. This doesn't mean you can define areas that need improvement, but be liberal with you praise and keep the main emphasis on their success.

* Be realistic. Remember, the goal is not perfection! You really just want to start making SMARTER choices for you family and teach them to do the same for themselves.  

Listen, I know it is hard to motivate children into being more active or eating all their veggies. Heck, yesterday I asked my daughter to eat steamed broccoli and she gagged the whole time (by the way--she's 11!). But maybe.. just maybe.. if I keep moving forward in my personal goals, stay positive with what our family does well, and adjust to realistic goals, we might just get there! 

That same daughter recently bought and started doing yoga in our garage. Why? Because that's where her mom works out.  And while she isn't interested in my HIIT or weights, she recognizes that I feel better after I go in that garage and do SOMETHING. Am I happy she started yoga? You bet! 

Now, any suggestions for broccoli?  

These tips were found while I was reading Combat Fat For Kids by James Villepigue and Jo Brielyn. Pretty great stuff, huh?!

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Born Runner? Not at all!

When I was a junior in high school, I tried out for the track team (which meant I joined the track team because our school was too small to reject anyone)... Anyway, my first race came... I lined up at the starting line... ready... sizing up the other racers. I didn't know anyone, they were all from other schools. Gulp... the bell rang and I ran my heart out, and for a while I couldn't see anyone in my peripheral vision.. YES... I thought...

Well. The next morning my dad showed me the paper, there was my name: Amber Lindquist from Colusa takes 4th place. My parents were impressed. I smiled and left for school, letting them think (just for the morning) that I was, in fact, a runner. Of course, I knew (and my track team knew) the truth: there were ONLY four runners in that race, and I was last--DEAD last.

You see, somewhere in that race I hit that WALL. You know the one I'm taking about. The one that smacks you so hard you KNOW you can't keep going. Well, I'd like to say I trained hard and kept pushing forward, but didn't I tell you I was a junior in high school? I quit track and never looked back... that is, until 2 years ago when I found out I'd be moving to Nevada. I decided right then to re-define who I was. And dangit, I was going to be a runner! Now, I'm still slow, but this morning I ran my three miles and saved the giant hill for the end. I currently can run 3 miles two days a week. It's taken me two years. But I CAN!

Now, I've signed up for a rely Ragnar race this fall. I have 3 legs to run and they are all around 4-6 miles. Yikes! But, I'm determined! No dead last this time! What can YOU do this year? What's your goal?

Monday, May 27, 2013

GF Oatmeal Pancakes

Finally, a pancake recipe my KIDS will scarf down! Nothing like pancakes, real maple syrup, fresh fruit, and freshly juiced oranges.  YUMMY way to start your day!


1 C milk
3/4 C quick-cooking rolled oats
3/4 C oat Flour
2 TB date sugar
2 tsp baking powder
1/2 tsp. salt
2 egg yolks, beaten
2 egg whites
1 TB apple sauce

In small saucepan heat milk just until hot; stir in quick-cooking oats and let stand for 5 minutes.

In a mixing bowl combine oat flour, sugar, baking powder and salt.  Add oat-milk to mixture.

In a small bowl combine egg yolks and applesauce; add all at once to the flour-oat mixture, stirring just until combined.

In another bowl beat egg whites until stiff peaks form, fold into the batter.  Cook like any other pancake! Enjoy.

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

What is your Fitness Dream?

Nobody can have it all. We like to think we can, but we can't. If you see your dream clearly--and keep it in front of you continually--it will help you to understand what you must sacrifice and what you must dedicate yourself to in order to keep moving forward. 
-J.C. Maxwell

Think about what your fitness goals are. What are you willing to do to get there, what sacrifices are you willing to make? Is it worth it? YES, because I have a DREAM of being healthy!! REALLY HEALTHY! And I will do whatever I can to get there! If you want to get there, but need a little encouragement and accountability, 

Let me know!

Sign-up for me to be your FREE TeamBeachBody Coach and let's get started!

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Sugar Free Banana Muffins

My daughter just had to make muffins!  I KNEW I wouldn't be able to resist if the smell of banana nut invaded my kitchen... so I convinced her to try a few substitutes (remember nutrition is a family affair) and presto!  Now, she still used white flour, so feel free to play with that a bit.  But here is our sugar-free recipe! It seriously did the job! MMMMmmmm...

  • 3 bananas
  • 1 egg
  • 1 1/2 C flour
  • 1 tsp baking powder
  • 1 1/2 tsp stevia
  • 1/4 tsp salt
  • 1/3 C applesauce (no sugar)
  • 1 tsp vanilla
  • 1/2 C walnuts or blueberries


Preheat oven to 325.  Mash bananas in mixing bowl.  Add remaining ingredients and stir just until blended.  Line a mini muffin tin with 24 paper liners or spray with nonstick cooking spray.  Divide batter evenly between mini muffin cups.  Bake for 20 minutes.  Remove from oven and cool.  

Turning down a Cookie...

You all know I'm trying to get that flat tummy!  I want it SO badly.  #1 Goal for May is to CUT OUT all processed SUGAR!  YIKES!  I'm so nervous.  Luckily, some of my current challengers have also taken the NO sugar pledge, team work people!  I can do this, right?  

The important thing to remember is: this is not a forever challenge.  I know I'm going to have an occasional piece of cake or bowl of ice cream, BUT I don't need it in May.  And of course the very day I decide to REALLY do this, I go to a party and there are... chocolate... chip... cookies... By the way, chocolate chip cookies are my all time weakness.  They are not just hard to refuse, the are BAM - IN YOUR FACE - MUST HAVE - REALLY WANT - CANT HANDLE - THEY ARE SO CLOSE hard to refuse!  But today, day 1.  I said NOPE.  

Now, I could've said Just one today, I can start this tomorrow, but I didn't! Anyone wish to join the no sugar for one month challenge?  Gulp, try it!

Saturday, May 4, 2013

Tips for a Flat Stomach

This is the year! The year I get that FLAT STOMACH, you know, the one EVERYONE WANTS! Well, I'm tired of wanting it, I'm having it!! PERIOD!  I found some great exercises I'm going to incorporate more into my regular workouts.  But I feel like I need something more... 

So.. I found this information in a Team Beachbody newsletter.  Too valuable not to share.


1.  Kick the refined sugar!  Dang it! I like to sneak it in here and there!  But I really want that flat stomach so... F I N E... I'll ditch the sugar.

2.  Stand up straight.  Remember your parents nagging you about your posture? I did!  Now I have to start nagging myself! I might make a sign.. hang it on the door by my bedroom.  Maybe I'll even have it all capitals so it can be shouting at me, like any good parent would.

3.  HIIT training.  High intensity interval training. Good thing I already do this.  Between TurboFire HIIT and Insanity workouts, I definitely get that heart rate up and down plenty.  Phew... 1 for 3 so far!

4.  Getting sleep.  Mmmm... I WISH! I should try to go to bed just a little earlier.  No more using my children as an excuse. I know I might have to get up with one during the night, but that doesn't affect what time I GO to bed.  Goal: 10:15 IN BED every night. Gulp.

5.  Reduce Stress.  Even reading this makes me stressed.. But I have learned that organization helps for me.  If I don't have bills looming or overpacked schedules haunting then I can usually feel pretty good in my day.  Goal: Pay bills the day they come in. YIKES! And use my calendar religiously. No double booking my time!

Okay, let sum it up... 

This entire next 2 weeks (that's doable.. gulp) I will not have ANY refined sugar, I will pay attention to my posture, I will continue my HIIT workouts, I will go to bed by 10:15, and I will pay bills right away and use my calendar the way it is meant to be used in an effort to reduce stress.  

Anyone else up for the challenge?  I can't be the only one yearning for a flat tummy! I officially start May 6th!

Friday, May 3, 2013

Exercises for a Flat Stomach

Training Camps from TurboFire


Start in a seated position on the floor with your heels on the ground and toes facing 45 degrees toward the sky. Lean back until you feel your abdominals engage. Twist toward your right side, lean back, and touch your right elbow to the ground. Engage your abdominals, sit up, and repeat the move on the other side. This is an oblique killer and will help you create those little "fingerlike" muscles on your sides.  If you want to add a little more intensity, life your legs off the ground!

Good Ole Fashion Sprinting


Sprinting is an anaerobic activity that targets almost every muscle in your body, and especially the abdominals. When you have to quickly drive your knees up while staying in an upright position, you're forced to use your core.

Fifer Scissors (from P90X of course)

Lie flat on your back with one straight leg extended so that it is perpendicular to the floor.  (haha, mine clearly isn't quite perpendicular... look, I'm just not that flexible..YET) The other straight leg should hover just off the ground. Switch legs every 10 seconds and don't let either leg touch the ground. 

Tuck Jumps (from Insanity)

Start with your feet shoulder-width apart. Drive your arms up into the sky and lift your knees to your elbows. Like with sprinting, you'll want to be fully warmed-up before trying this exercise. 

In and out plank (also from Insanity)

Start in a plank position and then bring both legs at the same time into your core. Then, extend back into the plank.

Hip Up (from Body Beast)

Lie flat on your back with your feet flexed toward the sky and your hands at your sides. Engage your stomach, lift your hips up, and drive your feet straight up. Lower your hips back down to the ground in a slow, controlled motion.  This exercise is great for you lower back!

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Walking Your Kids to School

Need to add a little more family outside exercise?


To walk my 5-year old to school takes about 40 minutes EACH way.  Is it worth it?  Yes!  Not only is my daughter really ready for preschool but my toddler is thoroughly enjoying nature and physically getting some seriously needed movement (and he takes a very nice nap later that morning).  It may take up quite a bit of my morning, but it is so pleasant it's really hard NOT to!  I can't always do this, but I try at least 1 or 2 days a week.  Think about it!

Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Family Health TIP

You know, the deal with fitness and changing your lifestyle from okayish to healthy is that you really do have to get the entire family involved!  And some don't go willingly.  

The neighbor girl from next door came over last night for a small bowl of ice cream (yes, we still have ice cream at our house -GASP-) and she exclaimed, ... my mom tried to give me ice cream the other day, but it was ORGANIC! YUCK! I told her that I NEVER eat organic. It's gross.  I smiled as I scooped a bowl of ice cream, deciding only to tell her only that the flavor was chocolate.  Later, I wondered why an intelligent middle school child would push away organic food.  Does she even know what organic means??  

This generation, including the three running around my house, are convinced that if it's HEALTHY than is must be DISGUSTING.  HAHA.. maybe I've thought that about some things too.  For example, I used to hate natural peanut butter, don't judge, I just did.  Now, I live for it... kind of sad to admit... but there it is.  My 11-year old daughter just knows that almond milk is gross and that she needs NEEDS 8 glasses of cows milk every day.  I mean, her bones are growing, right?! Why can't I understand that?

I've learned that trying new things is exciting and scary AND ends sometimes in success or disaster.  That's how trying new foods can be!  I have tried a few things I end up hating but others I love.  

So, what can I do?! How do I help my kids, my husband, and even me have a truly healthy lifestyle?  It has to start in the kitchen. And it must start with ME! To help, I found a few ideas I thought I would share:

TIP #1  Make planning meals a family effort and plan your meals in advance.  So often my children want something else for dinner.  Fine, I say, WHAT? And put it their hands.  However, they do have to follow the basic guidelines.  But, if they get to choose what grain or veggie or meat or even a crazy soup loaded with only their favorite veggies, then great! At least it's something!

(This is my oldest and I ready to take on our nutrition WITH A PUNCH) 

TIP #2  Make healthy snack alternatives readily available to your kids.  My kids stare into the pantry, wishing for a cooler mom that filled the shelves with potato chips, fruit snacks, candy bars, etc.  Unfortunately for them, they open it to nuts or applesauce ... well... look I just don't keep a lot of snacks.  There is always fruit in a bowl and yogurt in the fridge.  However, I'm thinking-- if I put together cheese and crackers, or peanut butter apple slices, or carrots and dip AHEAD of time, maybe when they opened the fridge or cupboard they would be okay grabbing that! Stay tuned!

TIP #3  Make a decision as a family to be healthy.  There are tricks to helping children eat their veggies, but it's a great idea to ask them to be part of the process, to ask them to take that challenge with you.  They won't always like that decision, heck, neither do I! But at least it's progress!  It will get easier... right??!

Alright, happy meal planning!  Wish me luck too!

Friday, April 26, 2013

TurboFIRE Schedule

For some reason some of the TurboFIRE schedules are different from others.  I've noticed some of my challengers aren't getting the toning and sculpting workouts until week 13!  That's no good.  I found this schedule below which is very similar to the one I have, although I always pick Sunday as my rest day (just adjust). 

I RECOMMEND using this one or one similar.  Happy workouts!

Week 1:
  • Monday – Fire 30 / Stretch 10
  • Tuesday – HIIT 15 / Stretch 10
  • Wednesday – Rest
  • Thursday - Fire 30 / Stretch 10
  • Friday – Fire 55 EZ
  • Saturday - Fire 30 / Stretch 10
  • Sunday – Core 20 / Stretch 40
Week 2:
  • Monday - Fire 45 / Stretch 10
  • Tuesday - HIIT 20 / Stretch 10
  • Wednesday - Rest
  • Thursday - HIIT 15 / Sculpt 30
  • Friday - Fire 55 EZ
  • Saturday - Core 20 / Stretch 40
  • Sunday - Fire 45 / Stretch 10
Week 3:
  • Monday - Fire 45 EZ / Stretch 10
  • Tuesday - Fire 45 EZ / Stretch 10
  • Wednesday - Rest
  • Thursday - HIIT 15 / Tone 30
  • Friday - Fire 45 EZ / Stretch 10
  • Saturday - Core 20 / Stretch 40
  • Sunday - Fire 55 EZ
Week 4:
  • Monday - Fire 45 EZ / Stretch 10
  • Tuesday - HIIT 20 / Stretch 10
  • Wednesday - Rest
  • Thursday - HIIT 20 / Sculpt 30
  • Friday - Fire 55 EZ
  • Saturday - Core 20 / Stretch 40
  • Sunday - Fire 45 / Stretch 10
Week 5:
  • Monday - Fire 45 EZ
  • Tuesday - Fire 30 / Sculpt 30
  • Wednesday - Rest
  • Thursday - Fire 30 / Tone 30
  • Friday - Fire 55 EZ
  • Saturday - Fire 45
  • Sunday - Core 20 / Stretch 40
Week 6:
  • Monday - Fire 55 EZ
  • Tuesday - Fire 30 / Sculpt 30
  • Wednesday - Rest
  • Thursday - Fire 30 / Tone 30
  • Friday - Fire 55 EZ
  • Saturday - Fire 45
  • Sunday - Core 20 / Stretch 40
Week 7:
  • Monday - Fire 55 EZ
  • Tuesday - Fire 30 / Sculpt 30
  • Wednesday - Rest
  • Thursday - Fire 30 / Tone 30
  • Friday - Fire 55 EZ
  • Saturday - Fire 45
  • Sunday - Core 20 / Stretch 40
Week 8:
  • Monday - Fire 45 EZ / Stretch 10
  • Tuesday - Fire 45 EZ / Stretch 10
  • Wednesday - Rest
  • Thursday - Core 20 / Stretch 40
  • Friday - Fire 30 / Stretch 10
  • Saturday - Fire 45 EZ / Stretch 10
  • Sunday - Core 20 / Stretch 10
Week 9:
  • Monday - HIIT 15 / Sculpt 30
  • Tuesday - Fire 45 / Stretch 10
  • Wednesday - Rest
  • Thursday - HIIT 15 / Tone 30
  • Friday - Fire 55 EZ
  • Saturday - HIIT 20 / Sculpt 30
  • Sunday - Fire 30 / Stretch 10
Week 10:
  • Monday - HIIT 20 / Tone 30
  • Tuesday - Fire 45 / Stretch 10
  • Wednesday - Rest
  • Thursday - HIIT 25 / Sculpt 30
  • Friday - Fire 55 EZ
  • Saturday - HIIT 20 / Tone 30
  • Sunday - Fire 30 / Stretch 10
Week 11 :
  • Monday - HIIT 25 / Sculpt 30
  • Tuesday - Fire 45 / Stretch 10
  • Wednesday - Rest
  • Thursday - HIIT 25 / Tone 30
  • Friday - Fire 55 EZ
  • Saturday - HIIT 25 / Sculpt 30
  • Sunday - Fire 30 / Stretch 10
Week 12:
  • Monday - Rest
  • Tuesday - Fire 45 EZ / Stretch 10
  • Wednesday - Fire 55 EZ
  • Thursday - Stretch 40
  • Friday -Fire 45 EZ / Stretch 10
  • Saturday - Stretch 40
  • Sunday - Rest

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Black Bean Veggie Tostadas

A little spin on my usual black bean taco. 


4 large flour tortillas (at least 8 in. in diameter)
Nonstick cooking spray or olive oil in mister
1 plus 2 Tbsp./tsp. extra-virgin olive oil
4 medium garlic cloves, minced
2 15-ounce cans black beans, drained and rinsed
1/2 cup vegetable broth
2 Tbsp. minced fresh cilantro leaves
Salt and ground black pepper
4 cups finely shredded leaf lettuce
2 medium ripe tomatoes, cored and diced
1-1/2 tsp. lime juice
1 medium ripe avocado
Preheat oven to 400 degrees. Lightly spray both sides of tortillas with cooking spray or oil. Place tortillas in single layer on two large baking sheets. Bake until golden and lightly colored, about 8 minutes. Remove from oven and set aside until needed.
Meanwhile, heat 2 tsp. oil in large nonstick skillet. Add garlic and sauté over medium heat until golden, about 1 minute. Add beans and cook, stirring often, until heated through, about 2 minutes. Add broth and cilantro. Use potato masher to work beans into thick, chunky purée. Season with salt and pepper to taste. Remove skillet from heat, cover, and set aside.
Place lettuce and tomatoes in small bowl. Drizzle lime juice and remaining 1 Tbsp. oil over salad. Sprinkle with salt and pepper to taste and toss gently. Set salad aside.
With a sharp knife, cut avocado in half lengthwise. Twist halves apart, remove and discard pit, then use rubber spatula to scoop flesh from skins. Cut peeled avocado into long, thin strips.
To serve, place one tortilla on each serving plate. Spread some warm mashed beans over each tortilla. Layer several slices of avocado over each tortilla and then spoon some salad on top.
Serves 4.

Vegetarian Paella

Looks like this may take a bit of time, but worth it!  Doesn't it just look delicious?
Vegetarian PaellaIngredients:
• 1 cup dry brown rice
• 2 cups low-sodium vegetable broth
• 1 pinch saffron
• 1 Tbsp. olive oil
• 4 medium shallots, chopped
• 2 cloves garlic, finely chopped
• 1 medium red bell pepper, chopped
• 1 medium green bell pepper, chopped
• 1 cup small whole mushrooms
• ½ cup cubed eggplant
• 10 medium black olives
• 10 medium green olives
• ¼ tsp. sea salt
• ground black pepper (to taste; optional)
• ¼ tsp. ground cumin
• 1 lb. medium tomatoes, chopped
• ½ fresh or frozen green peas
1. Heat rice, broth, and saffron in medium saucepan over medium-high heat. Bring to a boil. Reduce heat to maintain a gentle boil; cook, covered, for 45 to 50 minutes. Keep covered the entire time or rice will not cook evenly.
2. While rice is cooking, heat oil in a large ovenproof saucepan over medium-high heat. Add shallots, garlic, bell peppers, mushrooms, and eggplant; cook, stirring frequently, for 5 to 6 minutes or until bell peppers are tender.
3. Add olives, salt, pepper (if desired), and cumin; cook for 1 minute.
4. Preheat oven to 400° F.
5. Add rice, tomatoes, and peas to bell pepper mixture; mix well.
6. Bake for 10 minutes or until heated through.
Makes 3 servings, 391 CAL/serving

Melon Salad with Tangy Yogurt Sauce

I'm thinking this might be the perfect summer kick off!  YUM!

Melon Salad with Tangy Yogurt Honey SauceIngredients:
• ¼ cup plain Greek yogurt
• 1 Tbsp. raw, unfiltered honey
• 1 to 2 tsp. fresh lime juice
• ½ tsp. grated lime peel
• ¼ tsp. pure vanilla extract
• ½ cup cantaloupe, diced
• ½ cup honeydew melon, diced
• ½ cup watermelon
• 2 Tbsp. mint leaves, finely chopped

1. Combine yogurt, honey, lime juice, lime peel, and vanilla extract in small bowl. Mix well and set aside.
2. Place cantaloupe, honeydew melon, and watermelon in medium bowl. Drizzle with sauce. Toss gently to blend. 
3. Garnish with mint. Serve immediately

Servings: 1, Calories 210

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

What do Challengers Post?

Honestly, being part of a challenge group doesn't just give you accountability, it gives you inspiration!  Seeing others struggle and yet succeed helps you GET THERE! 

Here is what some of my current challengers are posting!  Makes it all worth it!

Michi's Ladder

Honestly, I just try to eat a lot of whole foods. This is great guide to know which foods are the best foods.
Michi’s Ladder is not a diet. It’s a simple substitution plan. To lose weight, try swapping the foods you eat for similar foods in tiers 1 and 2. The more you eat in tiers 1 and 2, the more you’ll increase your chances of losing weight.
There are some healthy foods in lower tiers, but they’re either calorie dense or nutrient deficient. To lose weight, you want to maximize the nutrients in every calorie you consume.
Shakeology is a Tier 1 food!

p90x michis ladder
beachbody michis ladder

Michi's Ladder
P90X diet
P90X Nutrition Plan
Michi's Ladder