Monday, April 22, 2013

Celebrating 32!

This is me, I just turned 32!  And of course I'm with my lovely little girl. Crazy how fast I am growing up... heck I'm almost a real grown-up (wink wink) AND can I just say what an amazing feeling it is to celebrate your birthday KNOWING you are going to have an AMAZING year!  I'm pretty sure I didn't feel this good when I turned 30... or 28... or 26... The way I feel on the inside cannot compare to my previous 10 years.  I have energy, strength, and a REAL life!  

The secret is NO SECRET: healthy diet and exercise.  Now, you might be thinking DANG IT! Isn't there an easier way? A faster way?  Sorry peeps, you gotta do the work!  BUT YOU CAN DO IT.  Please believe me when I say, YOU really can do it!  

Need a little help?  PLEASE let me know.  A challenge group and a coach that believes in you MAKES THE DIFFERENCE.  That's seriously what helped me get there.  You can workout on your own time but still have accountability to... well.. ME.. and a group of others trying to get there too.  Maybe there is a secret after all: a challenge group... but careful sharing this.. you never know whose life you might change for the better!

Make your birthday this year be a celebration of life and of health!  YOU MATTER!    

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