Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Why Am I a Fitness Coach?

A little background: I joined team forward fitness as a challenger because I wanted what most women want: to loose weight.  I figured that if I looked good I would feel good.  So I started this past fall with my workout choice and shakeology.  Now, I’m not going to lie, it was hard work. Really, hard work.  And there were plenty of days when I didn’t think I was seeing any progress.  But I pushed forward.  Part of that was because I knew I needed to check in later that night with my challenge group, but the other part was because I knew I would feel better.  I would feel better if I got that workout in, I would feel better if I ate well, I would feel better if I had my shakeology. 
After 90 days I felt amazing, and I still had areas I wanted to work on physically, but I definitely had a real transformation.  The kind that made people start to really notice, to ask me what I’d been doing.  It was also enough for me to really believe in myself.  To know I could finish something I started.  I found myself really enjoying sharing my story.  And you know when I look back on those 3 months I KNOW it wouldn’t have happened if I hadn’t been part of a challenge group.  Consistently having to check in with a coach and other group members helped to create a real habit.  And to be honest, I don’t’ know if I would have finished a program on my own, I’m kinda thinking I wouldn’t of.  And to get really honest, I participated in a second challenge group to get me through my next program, TurboFire.  Now somewhere in the middle of TurboFire (maybe it was because Chalene Johnson is SO DANG motivating) but I really felt like I didn’t need to be part of a challenge group anymore, but I still wanted it.  The habit was there, the commitment was there.  It still is.  

That leads me to the WHY, why coach?  Well, I learned something, something valuable and I wanted to share that knowledge with others.  And not only that, I wanted to be with them during those aaha moments.  I wanted to help them get there, help them create their own habits, see their own transformations.  And let me just say, the challengers I currently coach are already making this job beyond rewarding!  I love it! It is such a natural high to not just see others succeed, but to know I helped them get there.

Really, honestly, that’s my why.  I’m glad there is money here; I mean what a great benefit to doing something amazing.  What a way to be able to really reach others.  I can share what I’ve done with a friend, I can even help them get there.  But now I get to help so many, see such a great results.  Truly, what a blessing.  

Any coaches out there?  Thinking about coaching? Think about your why.  Let your passion for that fuel your business.  Recognize that what you do matters.  That’s my why: I matter, and so do you.

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